[Guide] The Bedwars Dictionary - BW Terminology/Lingo (2024)

[Guide] The Bedwars Dictionary - BW Terminology/Lingo (1)

The Bedwars Dictionary / Lingo Guide

This is the official Bedwars dictionary used to help you learn what terminology and phrases used in Hypixel Bedwars means. You can navigate the thread by using the spoilers for each letter. Each word has its meaning and in some cases an example or something to note about it. Massive thanks to @FATLOGS , @thozz , and @gamingfox10 for helping significantly with this list

I'm excluding unnecessarily technical terms, all bridging and hack types but if you have a term that you think is worth adding, please comment it below
This guide should be helpful to a large range of players, even if you think you know all the Bedwars lingo, there may be a few here that are new to you
This list took around 15 hours total to make. If it was helpful to you I would appreciate a like [Guide] The Bedwars Dictionary - BW Terminology/Lingo (2)


Aimbotter / Aimbotting

A hack type that makes the player aim automatically

Note: This hack type is often paired with autoclicker


No KB / KB reducer / KB modifier

Abbreviation for anti-knockback, a hacked modification preventing or limiting the knockback the player takes

Example: “I hit them three times to the side on a bridge but they didn’t move at all, I think they might have AntiKB”


Autoclicking / Click assist

A hack type / macro that automatically clicks high CPS for the user

Note: Autoclicking is a difficult hack for the player to detect


Acronym for bed break, the game event where all beds are broken

Example: “it just said in chat that BB is in five minutes”


Acronym for beds broken to lost ratio. The ratio you get from dividing your total bed breaks by your total bed losses

Note: This gives you a rough approximation of a player’s attacking and defending capabilities

Bed Trade

Bed Trading / Trading

Purposefully giving up defending your bed to destroy someone else's

Note: Trading may also refer to trading hits, where you get into a PVP fight and hit each other the same amount of times due to no combos, making it purely reliant on crits and gear.


BHOPPER / B-HOP / Bunny Hopping / Hopper / B-hopping / Bunny Hopper

Abbreviation for the blatant hack bunny hop which makes the player move and fly insanely fast around opponents making it very hard to aim at them

Example: “that one blue guy just killed an entire team, they might be a Bhopper”

Note: Sometimes you might see watchdog flying around you, that is not a bhopper, this is just Hypixel’s anticheat checking players for hacking


Describing someone that’s not trying to hide any unfair advantage they are using

Example: “They just teleported across the map and killed a whole team, they’re so blatant!”

Note: blatant types of hacks usually are: Kill aura, Fly, Bhop, Reach


Blocking in / Blocked in

To break the outer 1-2 layers of a defense and then place blocks around you to trap you in the defense so you can break the bed protected

Example: “If you distract, I can block in”


Block trapper / Block trapping / Block trapped

A strategy in which the player places blocks to guide a player to fall into a hole of some kind

Example: “Yellow is waiting to block-trap, watch out!”


Boosters / Booster

Teaming up with hackers to win games quickly and easily. This is not allowed

Example: “This hacker just killed all the players except for one team and then disconnected, I think they’re boosting”

Note: This is not to be confused with network or personal Hypixel boosters which you can buy in the store


Breezily bridging

An advanced bridging technique that involves walking backwards whilst strafing left to right and placing blocks without crouching to bridge extremely fast


Bregged / Bregging

An abbreviation for a bridge egg, an item available in the item shop


Buttering / Buttered

Placing a first layer of endstone in a wing shape around the bed

Note: Used in the B0MBIES strategy, preventing immediate rushers or snipers from breaking your bed before you have your defense


BF / Butterfly defense

An optimized popular bed defense often used in 3s and 4s

Example: “Drop me some iron, I’ll build a BF”

Note: Invented by Wahk


Camping / Campers / Turtles / Turtling / Turtle

To stay in one position without giving it up

Clean up the base

Cleaning up / clean / clear up / tidy the base

Remove all unnecessary blocks at your base, making it easier to fight incoming opponents


Closet cheating / Closet cheaters / Closet cheated

A player using unfair advantages that are difficult to detect

Clutch [1]

Clutched / Gqtored / MLG water bucket / X-Extension

Placing a block, ladder, or water bucket to break a fall or jump that couldn’t have been made previously

Example: “That was such a nice clutch, I got a three-block extension”

Note: Other usage of this word includes ‘extension’ that refers to the number of blocks built to survive

Clutch [2]

Clutched / Clutching

A situation in a Bedwars game where you lose your Bed and still win the game

Coconut defense

A butterfly defense that has wood added as a third layer

Example: “I feel like we’re going to be targeted, we should probably make a coconut defense”

Note: This defense is often used in Bedwars tournaments


Comboed / Combo’ing / Wombo combo

A PVP term meaning to get multiple hits on a player without them hitting you

Competitive Bedwars

See: Ranked Bedwars



Nonessential animations and features used for fun

Example: “The Dragon Rider victory dance is my favorite way to celebrate a win”

Note: Bedwars has no kits or perks and so no players have any unbalanced from the start, cosmetics are the only thing you can spend with Bedwars coins


Acronym for clicks per second



Abbreviation for critical hit. Hitting a player whilst falling/jumping to deal more damage

Example: “Did you know you can’t crit on ladders?”



The act of different teams not fighting each other to try and beat a mutual enemy team. This is not allowed

Note: This could be in a large coordinated party or just with random teams



Abbreviation for disconnect, to leave the game

Def [1]

Abbreviation for defense

Example: “It’s been 40s and we still don’t have a def!”

Def [2]

Abbreviation for defend or defender

Example: “INC from left side DEF!”


Abbreviation for diamond island


Abbreviation for diamonds


See: fold or requeue


Downstacked / Downstacking

Placing blocks in a stack under your bridge as you fall in the void


The six rotational Bedwars modes that change every week

Example: “The castle dream mode is so fun”


Dropping / Dropped

When having a height advantage used to inform your teammates to jump onto a lower object, often a Bed defense

Example: “If you drop on those two guys, I’ll try to get the Bed”


Acronym for ender chest



Abbreviation for the resource emerald


Acronym for the block endstone


XP / Experience

Experience contributing towards levelling up, gained from playtime and winning

Example: “It’s a common misconception that bed breaks, kills, and final kills contribute to XP gain”

Note: You need 5000XP to progress to the next Bedwars level with exception to the first five levels after every prestige which require slightly less


FBS / FB’ing

Acronym of the word fireball

Example: "Watch out, they've got more FBS!"

FD [1]

Acronym of fall damage

Example: “did you know that you have a second invulnerability after you take fall damage?”

FD [2]

Acronym of final death, to die without a bed



A player without a Bed


Acronym for final kill, to kill a player without a bed

Note: May also refer to your overall final kills


A ratio you get from dividing your overall final kills by your overall final deaths

Note: This can give a rough estimate of a player’s skill level


Flight / Flying

A player using hacked modifications that allow them to fly or teleport quickly

Note: Can be used as a noun or a verb


Requeue / Dodge / Folding / Folded / RQ

To leave a Bedwars game before it starts to avoid playing it

Example: “There are too many nicked players, we should probably fold if we want to keep this winstreak”


Acronym for frames per second

Full glass

A rendition of the Butterfly defense that only uses 8 endstone (out of the 12 you get) and 18 glass (out of the 20 you get)

Example: “our TNT will not work, they got full glass”

Full send

To go 'all out' in an attack to make advantage of a situation, often with teammates

Example: "we've only got one last shot on this rush, let's full send"


Gapple / Gapped / Gapping

Abbreviation for the item golden apple


Abbreviation for a generator

Note: The gen may also be called the machine or the fountain



Abbreviation for good fight

Example: “wow that was a close fight, GF yellow”



Abbreviation for good game


Godbridger / Godbridging

An advanced bridging technique involving aiming at a 45-degree angle whilst placing blocks without crouching whatsoever to bridge extremely fast

Example: “blue team has a godbridger!”



Hackusate / Hackusated

The notion of accusing a player of using hacks with or without knowing they’re actually hacking


Holding / Held

To stall enemies whilst you wait for your teammates

IG [1]

IGs / Golem

Acronym for iron golem

Note: IG can also mean ‘I guess’ or ‘in game’

IG [2]

Acronym for ‘in game’, to tell someone you are busy in a game

Note: IG can also ‘iron golem’ or ‘I guess’


Abbreviation for ‘incoming’, notifying teammates that there are players they need to watch out for, often to your base to destroy the bed

Example: “Red is INC! Get back to base”

Note: This is one of the oldest coined Bedwars exclusive terms


Invised / Invising

Abbreviation for invisibility. Often referring to a player who has drank an invisibility potion



A strategy in which two players would immediately rush at the start of the game and the other two split the defense cost and follow the rushers with TNT

No terms for J



Acronym for kill aura. A hack type that automatically hits all players within a certain range

Note: KA hackers can lock on one player or several players at the same time. It’s often combined with BHOP and autoclicker



To *************, often by jumping in the void, to take someone else out


Abbreviation for knockback. How much a player moves after being hit

Note: See also - AntiKB


Acronym for kill death ratio. The result of dividing your total kills by your total deaths

Note: This statistic isn’t as representable of skill level as FKDR

Kill steal

Kill stole

To kill an enemy, despite delivering a small amount of the total damage compared to your teammate or mutual enemies

Note: This term is only notable to those who care about their statistics


A layer indicates one coating of a bed defense.

Note: 1st layer or core layer would refer to the original eight blocks surrounding a bed. Every layer of blocks surrounding that is called the 2nd layer and so one. The outer layer of the defense is the set of blocks visibly surrounding the bed


A player not using hacks or any unfair advantages


To go up one Bedwars star

Example: “I just levelled up to 97, I’m almost iron prestige!”


Refers to maximum upgrade of a pickaxe or axe

Example: “I got a maxed axe but no sword so I might as well use it as a weapon”

Note: Could also refer to maxed protection levels or maxed forge levels


Middle / the main island

The main island at the centre of every map that contains the emerald generators

Example: “Blue is at mid, we should rush”


Nick / disguised

Refers to when a player has the MVP++ Rank of Youtuber rank and changes their name with /nick to hide their identity and rank

Example: “That non is really good, I think they might be nicked”


A bridging technique that involves uncrouching to bridge faster

Example: “your ninjabridge is fast!”

Note: See also - Speedbridge


Abbreviation for non-donator

Example: “I think that’s a party of all nons, they might be nicked”


Ob / Obbie

An abbreviation of the word "obsidian"

For example: "they've got obby, so get a diamond pickaxe.
Note: See also - 'probby'


One-hit / one hp / very low

A callout used to indicate that a player is on very low hp

Example: “I hit him five times already, he’s one”


One-tapped / one-hit / one-shot-kill

A kill that was made by hitting that player only once.

Note: This could either be because of high attack damage or because of knockback into the void


A 3s and 4s strategy in which the attackers bridge all the way over the neighboring diamond island to the other team's base


Partied / Partying

Refers to a group of people that are in a party on Hypixel that join a game

Example: “There is a full party of MVP+’s I think we should fold”

Note: This can be spotted in the lobby if multiple people join at the exact same time


Abbreviation for a personal best

Example: that was 36s! That’s our new PB”

Note: Used in Bedwars speedrunning


Abbreviation for pickaxe


Stalling / pressured

A callout used to notify teammates that there is no one incoming, because your team is stalling them and preventing them from leaving their position


Prestiged / Prestiging

Reaching a star that is a multiple of 100 giving you a new star chat colour

Example: “After playing for three years I finally hit rainbow prestige”


Abbreviation of potion(s)

Example: “I’ve got 2 ems I'll buy invis pots”


[They] probably have obsidian

Note: See also - obby


Abbreviation of the upgrade protection

Example: "We got maxed prot, so we should survive this."


Abbreviation for player versus player combat

Note: PVE means player versus environment


Queued / Queueing

To join a game and wait for it to start

Note: see also - RQ

Ranked Bedwars

RBW / Competitive Bedwars / Ranked

A private gamemode of Bedwars in which there are two teams of four talented players playing against each other

Note: You could join these by signing up in the ranked Bedwars Discord making it possible to account for elo


RQing / RQ’d

Acronym for requeue, to leave a Bedwars game before it starts to avoid playing it

Example: “I think they are rq-ing since they see we’re a party”

Note: See also – fold or dodge


To attack a base or player

Example: “I’ll rush left side”

Note: For the dream mode see dream. Sometimes used in the form X-rush to show many blocks you need to get to a base on a certain map e.g. aquarium is a 64 rush


A hack type that prevents a player from being able to walk off a block, often used whilst bridging

Example: “that godbridger does not look legit, I think they have safewalk”


A type of hack used by blatant hackers that will place blocks directly under the player's feet extremely fast

Example: "They're placing these blocks so fast underneath them. They might be scaffolding"


Abbreviation of the diamond enchantment called ‘Sharpened Swords’

Example: “I’ve got 8 dias, I’m going to buy sharp”


Skipping / passing / dodging

Running past players without fighting them


Illegal groups of extortionate hackers who warp into specific players games to sabotage their statistics


A bridging technique that involves uncrouching to bridge faster

Example: “your speedbridge is fast!”

Note: See also - ninjabridge


To complete an objective within Bedwars as fast as possible


Splitting the gen / Split

A technique that involves walking in the gen at the same time to have the materials give to all the players

Example: “Could you wait 5 seconds for me to respawn so we can split the gen?”

(x) Stacking

Making a bridge with a certain amount of x blocks before you jump and bridge up one block

Note: 2-3 stacking is used in Competitive Bedwars

Star (noun)

Your Bedwars level shown next to your name

Example: “3/4 4v4v4v4 party, 200[star]+”

Note: Your level isn’t an immediate representation of your skill but more your playtime

Stream sniping

Viewers of a streamer queuing into their game to target them


To do something under a certain amount of time

Example: “that was sub 3 min!”



A word for good players.

Example: "watch out there are sweaty players in this game. They're almost 900 stars"

Note: This can be used as a verb to concentrate on winning as much as possible, for example, “we need to sweat, we have a 100 winstreak”


A PVP technique that involves pressing S to reset your sprint to deal more knockback and get combos

Note: see also - W-Tap


Could be used in offense or defense to describe when a team is specifically going for a certain team colour. Reasons for this include: Toxicity, An opposing team is a threat, Possible Cheating.

Example: “A player on Red team is a 900 star I think we should target them first”


The amount of times a pickaxe or axe has been upgraded

Note: An iron pick would be a T2 Pic and a T1 Axe would be a wood axe

Tier 3 pick / T3

A name for the gold pickaxe in Bedwars. After buying and upgrading a pickaxe three times, it will be the fastest mining golden pickaxe (except for mining obby)

In ranked Bedwars the go to tool to break beds.

Example: "We can get their bed. I got a T3 pick."

TMCODE defence

A defence made up of 12 endstone and 16 wood

Note: invented by TMCODE and further developed by 02P

TNT Jump

A technique that involves using the explosion from TNT to jump a certain distance that a player would have had to bridge

Example: “I’ll rush, I’ve got extra TNT to TNT jump into their base”

Note: This can also be done with fireballs, a ‘Fireball Jump’


The compass always found in your inventory that can be used to track players after all beds are gone for 2 emeralds


To place blocks in stack as you are on top whilst having the jump boost effect or being launched by a fireball or TNT

Void [1]

Jumping off / voiding

To fall in the void deliberately to get back to base

Example: “there’s three players INC, I need you to void”

Void [2]

Throw items in the void to prevent opponents from getting them

Example: “I voided all the ems from mid”

Walk out [1]

A term used to tell your teammates to leave the generator and stand on the bed because there might be a threat incoming

Example: "Two red guys skipped me, so you should walk out just in case someone's incoming."

Walk out [2]

To step out of the generator to stop taking the resources to later split the generator


Hypixel’s anticheat that tries to detect hacking players and ban them

Water their base

To place a water bucket on top of a pillar above someone’s base to slow them down

Example: “if we want to get pressure back, we’re going to have to water their base”


Watchdog report

A Hypixel command that reports a player for Hypixel’s anticheat to target detection

Note: you can also use /report or /watchdogreport

Wiped [1]


The act of killing all the players from a single team.

Example: "I killed 4 red guys. I wiped them completely"

Wiped [2]

Stat wiped

The removement of a player's stats by an admin or watchdog. Reasons for this could be cheating, boosting or account sharing

Example: “Famous player ‘Jiyn’ was wiped for being in a party with hackers”


Diagonal / wobble bridge

A bridge that’s build to either skip or flank the opponents.

Note: frequently used in ranked bedwars


An abbreviation for well-played

Example: “well played, that was really smart”


Abbreviation for world record

Example: “that was sub 2, so close to WR!”

Note: Term used in Bedwars speedrunning. FWR means former world record


Acronym for winning a certain number of games in a row without losing

Example: “We got a 10 winstreak for 3s!”

Note: You can view your winstreak in the player stats NPC in the Bedwars lobby


A PVP technique involving pressing W to reset your sprint to deal more knockback and get combos

Note: see also - S-Tap



No terms for Y


A command that could be put in chat to troll players into leaving the game

Note: /Zoo removes you from the game leaving the message ‘This isn’t the zoo, it's the lobby!’

Example: “Use command /zoo to get a free achievement”

1v1 for the bed

To have to take a fight solo against one other player to defend or destroy a bed

Example: “I’m going to take a 1v1 for the bed even though they outgear me”


Abbreviation for the 3v3v3v3 mode


Abbreviation for the 4v4v4v4 mode

Note: not to be confused with 4v4


10/01/2021 Thread Created
10/01/2020 Added 'Video' spoiler
10/01/2020 Changed 'sniper' definition by request from @10101010101
11/01/2021 Added 'full send' by request from @lamingt
11/01/2021 Requested the thread to be pinned
11/01/2021 Fixed two typos in 'Walk out [1]' and 'FKDR'
14/01/2021 Changed formatting and added thread to 'My Other Threads'
22/01/2021 Added 'bed trade' by request from @Pwum
22/01/2021 Added 'ob' as alternative spelling of obby as requested by @insertogname
22/01/2021 Gave credit to those who requested words in this spoiler

[Guide] Bedwars Speedrunning explained
[Guide] How to split the generator in Bedwars

[Guide] The Bedwars Dictionary - BW Terminology/Lingo (2024)


What does DEF mean in Hypixel? ›

❈ Defense is one of the core player stats. It determines how much ❁ Damage reduction the player has. The more ❈ Defense a player has, the less damage is taken from attacks. ❈ Defense can go 0, but that does not have have any special effect.

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  1. PICK A STRATEGY. Players adopt of all kinds of strategies on bedwars and these are often an extension of your Minecraft play style. ...

What does inc mean in Hypixel BedWars? ›

It isnshort for 'incoming' and is used when another team is heading to break your bed.

How to join Bed Wars? ›

How do I get in a game? Go to Multiplayer, click Add Server, put "mc.hypixel.net" and enter this server. Right click the compass, click on the anvil, and left click on the person wearing pajamas with a tag saying, "BED WARS, CLICK TO PLAY."

What is Pig +++ rank on Hypixel? ›

This rank is exclusive to [PIG+++] Technoblade, and was gifted personally by hypixel after Techno won numerous Minecraft Mondays. This rank is exclusive to employees at Mojang Studios. This rank is exclusive to [EVENTS] HypixelEvents, an account dedicated to official events ran by Hypixel staff.

What does FD stand for in Hypixel? ›

Final Destination Armor | Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki | Fandom.

What are the cheats in Bedwars? ›

Custom Match Commands List
/luckyairdropDrops a Lucky Block Airdrop.
/hugeluckyblockDrop Huge Lucky Blocks.
/spawn [item] [amount]Gives the player an item.
/i [item] [amount]Shorter version of /spawn, same functionality.
36 more rows

What is anti cheat in Bedwars? ›

Anti-Cheat, referred to in the kill feed at SWORD, is a countermeasure designed to prevent exploitation. While not perfect, it prevents games from being completely ruined. It is constantly being updated to combat new exploits. Anti-Cheat only acts up when it detects suspicious activities and...

What does BP mean in BedWars? ›

The Battle Pass is a feature in BedWars that was added in the August 27, 2021 update, and is the main way of getting rewards from matches.

What does LF stand for in BedWars? ›

“LF” means “looking for.” On Discord and other multiplayer gaming servers, “LF” is a shorthand for “looking for.” When someone says “LF” in a general chat or text conversation, they're telling you that they're trying to find someone or something, like a game (“LFG”), one more extra player (“LF1M”), or a party/group of ...

What is MVP ++ rank? ›

MVP++ is an exclusive Rank Upgrade to your existing MVP+ rank. You can purchase the rank for either 30 days, 90 days, 180 days or a year. Once an MVP++ rank expires, the MVP+ rank is activated again.

How do you become a juggernaut in Bedwars? ›

Players can become a Juggernaut by opening a Juggernaut Crate. When a player becomes Juggernaut, the following message will be announced to all players: user is now a Juggernaut!.

Is bed wars Roblox? ›

Roblox BedWars is a team and strategy based game where players battle each other, trying to destroy their opponents' bed to prevent them from respawning. The team needs to defeat all the opponents to win the game.

What is def gaming? ›

Def is the physical defense so some enemies do normal attacks or have skills/spells that do physical damage. Res is your Magic Resistance, other enemies do magic-based damage and this will reduce damage from them.

Is swearing allowed in Hypixel? ›

Swearing in any form is disallowed.

What is a Necropost on Hypixel? ›

Necroposting. A reply is considered a necropost if it is made on a thread where the original post is no longer relevant, the last reply was more than 30 days ago, and the reply itself does not add significant value to the discussion.

What does WC mean in Hypixel? ›

WC. Wrong Chat (If someone says something in the wrong chat channel) Not SkyBlock-specific. WP. Wrong Person (if someone responds to a message not intended for them).

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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Views: 6447

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Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.